Acro Level Guidelines
It is important to comply with level requirements for the AcroDance classes. These classes focus on flexibility, strength, balance, limbering and tumbling through appropriate progressions for age and ability. Students are encouraged, as with all classes, to work outside of lessons to see progress. All AcroDance classes require students to be comfortable stretching and doing various strength exercises, as well as being on the hands for the majority of the lessons. Teachers will progress students to the next level when they feel the student is ready.
The following are guidelines for skills students students will need to display in order to progress into the next level:
Acro Arts Level 1 – working towards a good cartwheel and forward roll, working towards splits, and a backbend bridge from sitting.
Acro Arts Level 2 – a good cartwheel, neat forward roll, splits, headstand and a backbend bridge from sitting or standing.
Acro Arts Level 3 – cartwheels on both sides, handstand forward roll, confident headstand, front or back walkover, backbend bridge from standing, splits front or side.
Acro Arts Level 4 – cartwheels on both sides, plus cartwheel variations, handstand forward roll, confident headstand, elbow stands, front and back walkover, chest stand, splits, front and side, working towards Aerials.
Advanced Acro Arts Level 5/6 – cartwheels on both sides and variations, front and backwards walkovers and variations, splits (right, left and side), confident bridge work, chest roll and stand, head stand, elbow stands. Working towards aerial variations.